Our Programs
The Centre is organised into four programs, which are specifically designed to deliver the outcomes identified in our objectives.
Please contact us with any enquiries.
Engagement and Collaboration
Program 1
Catalogue infrastructure facilities, capabilities, and their current use
Facilitate access / contact between users and service providers (infrastructure, expertise, data sharing and training opportunities available)
Share a vision and roadmap between AAD, UTAS and CSIRO
Support Hobart as a world-class Engineering and Technology hub
Sharing our collective world-class capabilities will support Australia’s international leadership role in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.
Program Leader:
Delphine Lannuzel
Program 2
Develop collective knowledge about workforce capabilities of CAST member organisations and collaborative solutions to workforce gaps
Facilitate workforce development through collaborative training and developmental initiatives, including staff exchanges and secondments
Create a diverse program of student- focused opportunities with partnering organisations, including PhD projects, internships and Work Integrated Learning placements
Engage in collaborative policy development and research related to the future of work and workforces in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean
Program Leader:
Leesa Borojevic
Program 3
Pool our collective resources to efficiently acquire, develop, manage and utilise technology for measuring, monitoring and managing extreme environments
Enable collaborative technology development focusing on autonomous platforms, advanced sensing, and data science
Facilitate interaction and collaboration between equivalent staff of each organisation and develop Communities of Practice
Program Leader:
Brett Muir
Shared Data Resources
Program 4
Improve access to shared data collections
Deliver data collections in an integrated and interoperable manner
Share best practices relating to data management, and jointly develop data technologies
Program Leader:
Johnathan Kool